A Proven Method To Thicken Your Hair

This result is after just one procedure. There is zero detect-ability that this patient has had a hair transplant. You won’t find the donor scar, and even if he told people he had a transplant, most people wouldn’t believe him.
When you have dark hair and a light scalp there is higher likelihood of a detectable hair transplant. If every hair is not angled perfectly and if the frontal hair line is not strictly micro-grafted you will not achieve a natural result. Not only is this result flawless, but Dr. Bolton was also able to achieve a high level of density in one procedure. This is beyond impressive, but unfortunately, not common for other doctors to attain this result for their patients. If you want results like this you need Dr. Bolton.


A Proven Method To Thicken Your Hair Before And Afters Hairline

A Proven Method To Thicken Your Hair Before And Afters Hairline


A Proven Method To Thicken Your Hair Before And Afters Hairline

A Proven Method To Thicken Your Hair Before And Afters Hairline